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During the construction of the bath timber (or logs) can be connected to each other in the corners and longitudinally. The gusset beams used in the construction of the whole structure of capital walls, and when mounting partitions in the bath. The longitudinal connection beam is used, if the length of the material is not enough for the erection of one wall (for example, the wall should be 6 meters, a beam of 4 metre). To the longitudinal and angular connection of the beam has the following requirements: These are the main requirements for coupling beams and between the beams a. It should also be noted, depending on your skills tree you need to choose the connection method, because. there are strong, but the complex angular mounting material, you can be not under force. As a traditional material in the manufacture of wooden baths is round logs, first consider the ways of joining the logs in a log cabin. There are two basic ways of connection logs in a log cabin: with the remainder and without a remainder. The first option involves the use of more long logs, than that required for the construction of baths. The remnants of the logs (they are usually on 20 cm from each end) designed to, to protect the corners of the bath from the negative effects of wind and atmospheric residue. The connection logs with the rest of design makes the bath more stable, but at the same time, the cost of construction of the bath is greatly increased (because of the increased consumption of materials). When the connection logs in a log cabin without the rest of the corners of the bath remain smooth. In this case, the bath may be subjected to damage by wind and rain, but at the same time, the construction of the bath will be less costly and problematic. Please note that, the design of the bath, advantageous looks bath, the corners of which are performed by way of connection logs with the rest. There are three types of connection logs with the rest: Consider each type of connection logs in detail. The simplest and most popular method of connection logs with the remainder is a combination of "oblo", which are also called connection "in the bowl". All you need, it's at the top of the log to cut a groove, which is a "saddle" for the next crown. In turn, the connection logs "in oblo" also has multiple connection options, namely: Clearly see the connection logs "in oblo", you can this template: The connection logs "in the half-tree" is the most simple way the angular connection logs "in oblo". In addition to transversely cut in the lower bowl aisle bath, you additionally have to whittle another and a longitudinal groove for laying the overlying logs. What would the mount was tight and airtight, in a bowl, and along the longitudinal groove is recommended to lay material for caulk log (jute, moss or lnovatin). The connection logs of the type "zaovaleny comb" has similarities with connection logs "in the half-tree". The difference in the location of the cut longitudinal groove. If in the first case, a groove was made on top of the logs, in this case, the groove is cut from the bottom. In addition to the groove should be cut transverse the Cup, which provides for the protrusion in the groove (as shown in the picture). Joint advantage "zaovalennymi comb" is a more reliable connection logs and more thorough sealing joints. Well, the latest version of the connection logs "in oblo" – mount corners "in tail". This type of connection is an upgraded version of connection "zaovalennymi comb". In addition to the cross of the Cup and longitudinal grooves, you want to cut special ledges inside the bowl, which will provide the most reliable connection logs in the corners. It should be noted, that any of the variants of connection logs in the construction of baths can be supplemented with pin connection. Nagel is a cylindrical dowel of durable wood. Sets Nagel vertically between the two crowns in the pre-cut groove. Dowel connection design makes the bath more stable. The connection logs "in ohlap" it is customary to call the compound "Siberian Cup". Technology connection logs "in ohlap" we will not describe, because. it is completely identical connection technology "in a half-tree". The only difference is the place the clippings of the bowl in the crown. If in the first case we considered the cut bowl at the top of the crown, in this case the bowl is cut from the bottom of the log (as shown in the template). Well, the last method of connection logs with the remnant connection "in krap". In this case, the technology is similar to technology connection logs "in ohlap", but only additionally, the upper and lower grooves of the logs are equipped with small recesses (approximately ? of the diameter of a log). This upgrade makes the construction of a bath even more tight and resistant. You should pay attention to, the connection logs "in krap" is a smooth transition from the connection logs with the rest of the connection logs with no residue. As we have said, the connection logs without residue can significantly reduce the cost of construction of baths, but at the same time makes the design less sealed. The connection logs without residue are also called connection logs "in a paw". Technology connection "in a paw" is similar to connection logs "in krap", only in this case the logs do not favour the angle. There are two versions of the connection logs with no residue: hand prisacom and dovetail. The angular connection logs paw with prisacom is a complex system of grooves, which promote reliable fixation of crowns between them. Clearly see the cutouts of grooves and spikes, you can the template: Near the connection logs paw with prisacom presented the connection logs technology "dovetail". This type of connection is more simple, but at the same time very effective, because. spikes with sloping edges that provide wedging connections, and thereby increase the stability of the structure. In addition to the corner joints of the logs during the construction of baths used and a T-shaped connection. This type of connection is used when you create partitions in the bath. Technology T-shaped connection logs are also done on the connection "dovetail". Visually see the process of attaching the logs, you can this template: As in the case of rounded logs, rail can connect with the remainder and without a remainder. Consider the nuances of the connections of the beam in the construction of baths. When connecting timber with the remainder only used connection technology "in oblo". It should be noted, the connection bar "in oblo" has three main variations: The simplest connection with a beam balance is a one-way link. In this case, the upper part of the timber sawed transverse groove, width, which is equal to the width of the beam. More reliable connection of the beams are presented two-way connection. In this case, the grooves are cut not only at the top of the timber, but in the bottom. The depth of the groove must be ? of the height of the beam. Well, the most complex and effective combination of timber with the balance is four-way connection. In this case, the grooves, as you know, are cut on all four sides of the timber. Although this type of connection is the most time consuming, the tightness of the material to each other will be higher. The connection of the profiled beam without the rest used less often, because. the reliability of this connection is significantly lower, than connection bar "in oblo". Despite this technology of connection of timber without the rest a lot, the most popular are: The most simple and unreliable is the connection of the beam at the butt. In this case, the lumber just laid the ends together and securely fastened with nails or staples. As you know, the connections will depend on, how smooth the ends and how tightly they fit. Design bath, assembled by connecting the timber at the butt will be the defeat of precipitation, as well as deformations due to loads, the total weight of the bath. During the construction of the light garden construction (for example, amenities), this type of connection can be used, but for the bath, this option is completely unacceptable. The connection bar on the dowels more preferred option for the construction of baths with their hands. In this case, the ends of bars cut a groove under the wooden dowel. After that, the bars are stacked back to back and additionally attached with dowels (as shown in the template). You should pay attention to, that the key can be set not only vertically, horizontal, and nakos. Often use the first variant of the location of the dowel, because. it is the most simple. Well, the latest version of the connection beam without a trace – connection on primary studs. This method also is popular among builders because of its relatively high stability, compared to other ways. In order to secure the bars with the help of indigenous thorns, you need one bar to cut a special thorn, and in the second groove (as shown in the template). Pay attention to the fact, this splice variant of lumber without residue it is recommended to Supplement pin connection, and seal the joint with a jute. We offer you the technology of calculation of fastenings when connecting timber without the rest: It should also be noted, when calculating the size of the grooves is necessary to do a vertical groove a little deeper and wider than the spike, that would be during vertical shrinkage baths clamping units are not damaged. During the construction of the baths of profiled beam there is a need to create partitions. Create T-shaped connections in the bars more easily, what is the cut grooves in the log. There 4 variant of the T-shaped connection beams, namely: We describe these methods won't, because. they are similar to those, which were presented above. We provide you the schematic of the T-shaped connection of the beam in the construction of baths: As we have said, during the construction of baths are used not only gusset lumber, but longitudinal. Most often the longitudinal joint of lumber used in the construction of baths from a bar. There 4 option longitudinal joints timber: The connection is "half-tree" the most unreliable, because. this method of connection involves the cutting of the grooves at half the height of the bar and further the attachment bars nails. Of course, in this case the tightness of the bath will be small, and the corners under the weight of the bath over time will begin to deform. The longitudinal joint of the spike on the dowels is a more reliable method of joining timber in length. Technology create a groove similar to the corner connection bar in the keys. Technology longitudinal connection of timber indigenous thorn also similar corner connection lumber indigenous thorn, so it makes no sense to re-tell the essence of the method. Well, the most time consuming and quality connection beam length is create oblique lock. On the template you can see, what is a scythe castle. Please note that, the creation of oblique lock requires good skills to work on wood, because. with poor fit grooves to each other the stability and integrity of the design will be good enough, what is particularly important in the construction of baths with their hands. We also recommend you to read the article: independent choice of lining for the bath!

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